Reference CET Energy successfully realized many projects in B&H and abroad. Please check below for more details… Show all Protection and control in electric power system Industrial communications SCADA centers Internet of Things (IoT) Implementation of 220 kV switchgear control system in HPP Salakovac Preventive and corrective maintenance of SCADA system in TPP Kakanj Expansion of existing SCADA system in Power distribution company Mostar Integration of 123 kV and 220 kV SCADA systems in TPP Kakanj 220 kV coupling bay distance protection in HPP Salakovac Substation Automation System Project POWER III (SCADA/EMS) Reconstruction of control system for auxiliary supply facilities in TPP Kakanj “Expansion of New Substation 30-10 kV” LIBYAN IRON AND STEEL COMPANY of Misurata Socialist People Libyan Arab Jamahiriya EBRD loan No. 35806 – Design, Supply and Installation of transformer substations 35/10(20) kV Substation Automation System Project POWER III (SCADA/EMS)