Reference CET Energy successfully realized many projects in B&H and abroad. Please check below for more details… Show all Protection and control in electric power system Industrial communications SCADA centers Internet of Things (IoT) Generator protection system for 3 generators 70 MW in HPP Salakovac Integrated protection and control system in SS 110 / 35 kV Zvornik SCADA/DMS/OMS of EPBiH distribution power grid (Integration of SHPPs into SCADA system) SCADA/DMS/OMS of the distribution power grid Reconstruction of SS 110/x kV Bosanski Petrovac Expansion od SS 110/x kV Neum Corrective maintenance of RTU devices in distribution network substations Construction of 110/20(10)/10 kV transformation in existing SS 400/110 kV Sarajevo 10 Protection coordination and relay setting study Reconstruction of two 110 kV OHL bays with necessary primary and secondary equipment in SS 110/x kV Mostar 7 Feasibility study for control centers SCADA system renewal in Operational Areas Integration of reconstructed SS's from ZEDP “Elektro-Bijeljina” region into DCC (distribution control center)